Ride a Motorcycle?
iRider's $90 per quarter flat fee pays for unlimited travel on the Sydney Harbour Bridge and Sydney Harbour Tunnel.
iRider calculator
If you ride a motorcycle, find out how much you can save with an iRider account
Number of Sydney Harbour tolls per week?
Based on maximum time of day tolling of $4 per toll over a 13 week quarter.


Travel on any toll road in Australia

Unlimited crossings on the Sydney Harbour Bridge and Sydney Harbour Tunnel
Registration fee $0.00
Account fees $0.00
Minimum opening credit $25.00
Minimum top-up amount $25.00
Low Balance Trigger $25.00
Cost $90/quarter
Automatically renewed

Access to an online account for making payments and
updating details
You can also set up an eTollPass Account by calling 1300 88 53 67 or visiting a Service NSW centre.
Apply Now
Payment options
Automatic renewal
The $90 per quarter iRider flat fee pays for unlimited tolls on the Sydney Harbour Bridge and Sydney Harbour
Tunnel for that quarter. The iRider $90 flat fee will automatically renew via your chosen payment method
(credit card, Visa/MasterCard debit card or bank account) at the beginning of each quarter*. You can modify
or cancel your iRider by calling 13 18 65. If you choose to cancel your iRider, E-Toll will refund the
amount equal to the number of days left in your current billing quarter.
*iRider billing quarters are based on your account opening dates.
iRider accounts opened before 1 March 2022, will remain on fixed quarterly billing dates: 1 January, 1 April, 1 July and 1 October each year.
No tag required
Your motorcycle Licence Plate Number is photographed at toll collection points and matched back to your iRider account.
The iRider account is for motorcyclists who regularly use the Sydney Harbour Bridge and Sydney Harbour Tunnel.
You can set up an iRider Account online now.
Apply NowTerms and Conditions
You can register motorcycle licence plate numbers on your eTollPass Tag account. Motorcyclists do not need to carry a physical tag.